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Frontier Technology Exploration | Shandong Xinbo Pharmaceutical R&D Co., Ltd. held a seminar on organoid and organ chip technology


Shandong Xinbo Pharmaceutical R&D Co., Ltd. invited chemical and biological expert Zou Jin from Stevenson Institute of Technology in the United States to give a detailed explanation of cutting-edge technologies in organoids and organ chips. The attending leaders and colleagues had a heated discussion on them.

Organoids and organ-on-a-chip are cutting-edge technologies in the field of biomedical engineering in recent years. They utilize cell, material, microfluidic, and other methods to construct in vitro models with organ or tissue functions, providing new platforms and methods for drug development, disease simulation, personalized treatment, and more.

At present, as an emerging field, organoid chip technology is still in its early stages of development and there is still a lot of room for improvement. In the future, organoid chips can be effectively integrated with other cutting-edge technologies such as gene editing, biomaterials, artificial intelligence, etc., to further improve the accuracy and complexity of organoid models in reflecting human physiological processes and expand their applications. Of course, this also requires the joint efforts of researchers from different disciplines to achieve the full utilization of organoids in human biomedical research.

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