The early drug formation of compounds can be studied through toxicity prediction, pharmacokinetic screening, and efficacy screening studies, including cardiac toxicity risk prediction, tolerance dose of related species, bioavailability, cytotoxicity, and genotoxicity.

 Non GLP cardiovascular safety screening test: hERG patch clamp
 Tolerance exploration: rats, mice, dogs, monkeys
 Cytotoxicity screening study
 Genotoxicity screening study

Toxicity prediction and screening

Service items

 Non GLP cardiovascular safety screening test: hERG patch clamp
 Tolerance exploration: rats, mice, dogs, monkeys
 Cytotoxicity screening study
 Genotoxicity screening study

Pharmacokinetic screening

Service items

 Internal exposure
 Enzyme inhibition
 Enzyme induction
 Related species screening research

Pharmacodynamic screening

Service items

Pharmacodynamic studies can be used to predict the effectiveness of drugs in animals. The established models include:
 Respiratory diseases: pulmonary fibrosis model, pulmonary embolism
 Digestive system diseases: various gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, reflux esophagitis, functional constipation model, diarrhea model
 Circulation and blood system diseases: acute and chronic heart failure, myocardial ischemia, myocardial ischemia reperfusion, myocardial infarction
 Metabolic system diseases: diabetes model, obesity model, hypopituitarism model, clamp test
 Neuropsychiatric diseases: cerebral ischemia model, cerebral ischemia reperfusion model
 Immune related diseases: arthritis model
 Tumor: subcutaneous and orthotopic tumor

Service advantages

>Jugular sinus blood sampling technique:
The animals do not need anesthesia, with small trauma, in line with animal ethics, and can meet the requirements of PK/TK blood collection.
Bile duct intubation technique in conscious rats:
Bile collection in conscious rats lasting more than 72 hours can be achieved by means of bile duct intubation and external catheterization.
Cerebrospinal fluid collection technology:
Cerebrospinal fluid of conscious/anesthetized animals can be collected for the study of blood-brain barrier permeability.

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