Service items

■ LC-MS analysis of biological samples

■ Protein binding research

■ CYP450 enzyme induction test

■ CYP450 enzyme inhibition test

■ Metabolic phenotype study (RAF method)

■ Metabolic stability study

■ Tissue distribution test

■ Glutathione capture test

■ Permeability study (Caco-2 model)

Service advantages

>Jugular sinus blood collection technology: animals do not need anesthesia, have little trauma, conform to animal ethics, and can meet PK/TK blood collection requirements.

>Bile duct cannulation technology in conscious rats: bile duct cannulation and external catheterization can be used to collect bile in conscious rats for more than 72 hours.

>Cerebrospinal fluid collection technology: It can collect the cerebrospinal fluid of conscious/anesthetized animals for the study of blood-brain barrier permeability.

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